
This page displays a number of resources made available by the VRP-REP community. In this page you will find the VRP-REP specification for instance files, tutorials, links to publically available code, etc.
To contribute a resource please contact the steering committee.


Category Name Description
Instance specification vrp-rep-instance-specification-0.5.0 Version 0.5.0 of the VRP-REP instance specification. Released on Jan. 08, 2016.

Downloads and links

Name Description
Result table format
Result table schema V.1.0.0 XML schema defining the rules to write result tables in VRP-REP
Video: uploading result tables This video tutorial illustrates how to contribute result tables
Video: dataset upload This video shows how to upload a dataset (i.e., a set of instances)
Writing data files using the VRP-REP instance specification This tutorial shows how to write instance files using the VRP-REP instance specification. This is a work in process document: it is incomplete (doesn't cover the whole specification) and is a bit out of date (version 0.2.5 of the specification).
VRP-REP mapper
VRP-REP instance mapper Mapper let's users visualize datasets (problem instances) and solutions (routes) that are formatted according to the VRP-REP instance and solution specifications.
VRP-REP solution specification V.0.1.0 The VRP-REP solution specification defines a format for solutions files that is compatible with Mapper. Released on Feb. 13, 2017.